Multi Shelter Solutions

Customized Structure Solutions for all Your Growing & Storage Needs

We don’t sell you a structure…

We help you buy one!

Manufacturing & Distributing Economical Shelters for all Your Growing & Storage Needs


What We Do

We’ve had several requests from people very green about the process of purchasing structures asking “where do I start?”

So we’ve made this checklist and supplements to help you out with that!

All the information can be found on our website as well, or the search field on the site. You can also download our general brochure for an overview, including the checklist mentioned above

We are also here to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to your call!

Using our 47 years experience in greenhouse, shelter operations and construction, allow us to help you find creative solutions to your shelter requirements.

Specializing in unique shelter construction, we don’t bend any steel before we get an order. We sit down with each customer to assess what your structure will be used for, and the location, and help you find the solution that will be most useful for your application.

We have many standard variations to offer, but aren’t afraid to venture outside the box to get the right fit for you!

We can be reached by phone, email, or the contact form . You can also find us at any of the social media links at the bottom of the page, but we cannot give prices or updates except through the office. We look forward to helping you find your shelter solution!

Please note, while we appreciate our previous US customers, and your interest, we are not taking orders from outside Canada at this time.

We look forward to helping you with your project

Many Customizable Options

About Our Structures

Additional Information

Helping You With Your Shelter Needs

More Learning Opportunities

We are Grateful for You!

We have worked with you in projects across the country in all climates!

Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Coloumbia, Yukon


Satisfied Customers


Years in the Industry


Team Members

Why You’ll Love Us

We are a family-run business dedicated to helping you get exactly what you need, nothing more, nothing less.

We start by asking you, What are you trying to accomplish? What is the situation you are working with?

We share our values in every interaction

  • Flexibility
  • Transparency
  • Education
  • Components
  • Self Sufficiency
  • Mitigating Climate Change
  • Food Security


Monday-Thursday 9-5
Friday 9-3

Palmerston, ON
*Visits by Appointment ONLY

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Site designed and maintained by Andie Eygenraam
Please contact with any inquiries
©2023 Multi Shelter Solutions All rights reserved